A recent survey of homeowners across America asked questions relating to custom home design and home improvements. Questions ranged from which room would be most important when designing a luxury home to which home improvement or design television shows were most inspirational. Survey participants were categorized by a number of factors, including age, gender, income, geographic location, and community.
One Room to Rule Them All
When asked which was the most important room when designing a custom home, 44% of all participants chose the kitchen. Along gender lines, the kitchen was number one for 62% of women and 54% of men. The second place room, with 18% of the votes, was the living room. When looking at different age groups, however, the bedroom came in second for 25-34 year olds and also people over the age of 65. Participants in different communities also provided varied answers to the same question. Urban residents considered the bedroom most important. Rural residents favored the bathroom above others. Finally, suburban residents predominantly chose the bedroom first.
Feature Attractions
The question of which was the most important feature in a home was also posed. The options given were number of bedrooms, living space, yard size, and custom features. Among all participants, living space came in first, number of bedrooms second, yard size third, and custom features fourth. Of note, 18-34 year olds were most interested in custom features out of all of the age groups.
Home Improvement
Other survey questions concerned home improvements done by homeowners. When asked about frequency of home improvement, more people chose to start projects annually rather than monthly or weekly. Additionally, in identifying television shows called on for design inspiration, 26% of participants cited Fixer Upper and 14% cited Rehab Addict. 32% chose “other” as a response, indicating either a show not listed or no show.